Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 1: The Reason.

You know who I blame...

The education system. They did this. They said "Go to school so you can learn how to be what you want to be!" "Go to college so you can get a job!" "You can be whatever you want to be in life!" They set us up for all of this GREATNESS!

Once senior year hit I was excited, ready to hit the ground running, I was going to be famous and nothing and no one was going to stop me. I had decided that I was going to attend the University of Pittsburgh and now I had to figure how it was going to be paid for. (Duh duh duuuuuuhhhhh!!!!)

Then I recieved my first letter in the mail about a credit card,
and a bank loan,
and then good ole Sallie Mae sent me some love letters...

It was all beginning...but I had no idea.

You would think that going to college and getting your degree would put you in a good place to build the rest of your life, but with today's economy and the college financial burden...it doesn't look to good.

A very unsatisfied and educated woman.


  1. if sallie mae was a person, she'd be a mean girl. i'd secretly dream of knocking of her lunch tray and giggle about her future pre-marital, post-high school babies. I'd envision hanging up on her as she called my mansion from her telemarketing job from nowhere nebraska or leave her a 2 dollar tip at a restaurant...

    but in real life, she's actually be the rich bitch she is. So, i'm nice to her face but my friends and i talk about how much we hate her when she's gone...


  2. SOOOOOOOO true!!! One time me and my friend rode past the headquarters on the way to Delaware...we wondered what it looked like on the inside...

    I envisioned money falling from the ceiling and a fountain of the tears of college graduates all over this nation...I feel like I'm right.
