Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's Saturday...


It feels like any other day to me...::shrugs::
Checked out the Theatre Alliance of Greater new job listings...SHOOT!

ahh well...better luck next time...

I'm telling you this right now I REFUSE to get a mediocre, minimum wage job, where I have to deal with the idiots of America!


Until then whats good on the boob...HEY! Dirty Dancing is on!! :o)
See ya!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Motivation Rises...

Okay, I can do this...I'm going to buckle down, get a job, stop running from Sallie, and make a life for myself. Okay ::nods head::

...I'll start tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 2: Motivation.

12:00: Wake up.

12:30: Get out of bed.
Check emails, facebook, and twitter(sometimes)

12:50: Take the dogs out and feed them.

1:00: Sit and wait...

Wait for what you ask?? What am I supposed to do next exactly? Look at the piece of paper that told me I was ready for the real world? Hmm...I'll pass.

Now don't get me wrong I am doing something towards my future, it just lately it feels like progress is taking FOREVER! So until then what?

1:05: Why hello DirectTV :o)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 1: The Reason.

You know who I blame...

The education system. They did this. They said "Go to school so you can learn how to be what you want to be!" "Go to college so you can get a job!" "You can be whatever you want to be in life!" They set us up for all of this GREATNESS!

Once senior year hit I was excited, ready to hit the ground running, I was going to be famous and nothing and no one was going to stop me. I had decided that I was going to attend the University of Pittsburgh and now I had to figure how it was going to be paid for. (Duh duh duuuuuuhhhhh!!!!)

Then I recieved my first letter in the mail about a credit card,
and a bank loan,
and then good ole Sallie Mae sent me some love letters...

It was all beginning...but I had no idea.

You would think that going to college and getting your degree would put you in a good place to build the rest of your life, but with today's economy and the college financial doesn't look to good.

A very unsatisfied and educated woman.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Explanation.

If you think this is a isn't...

The life a slacker has it's ups and downs, it actually takes alot of work.

With this blog I will attempt to share my hardships and victories...who knows I might end it all with a JOB!